Individual Writing Coaching

Individual writing coaching is offered to scientists and especially Ph.D. candidates in the fields of Natural and Life Sciences who are writing their theses or journal articles.

One-on-one coaching sessions are tailored to your specific needs. We will focus on your individual writing projects, learning how to write more effectively, and also how to enhance the quality of your journal articles or theses. In addition, we can also focus on how to deal with the peer review and publication process.

Coaching sessions are available in person or via e-mail, telephone, or Skype.

To arrange a one-on-one coaching session, please send an e-mail to:, or use the form on the Contact page.

This is what I can do for you

  • Suggest writing techniques that help to overcome writer blocks (for example when starting your text), to structure the text or to formulate a proper research question.
  • Assess the breadth of information: "Is enough background information provided? Are the results and interpretations fully explained and argued?"
  • Evaluate the structure of the text: "Is the flow of information presented in a logical way? Are the questions that are posed in the introduction fully answered in the discussion? Are the conclusions clear, based on the results?"
  • Check for consistency: "Is the scientific information consistently presented throughout the text, figures and tables?"
  • Evaluate text clarity: "Are there any parts of the text in which the information or the experimental design is unclear? Is there any unnecessary information that should be eliminated?"
  • Give support throughout the publication process: "How to respond to a reviewer? How to write letters to the editor and re-submission letters?"

Services that are not provided

  • Feedback on grammar, punctuation, or spelling (Please consult a proofreading or editing service)
  • In-depth criticism on the experimental design or methods